Grace The Pirate Queen feaature film

The Pirate Queen

Grace O'Malley (a. 1530-1603) is one of the most famous pirates of all time. From the age of eleven, she forged a career in seafaring and piracy and was considered a fierce leader at sea and a shrewd politician on land. She successfully defended the independence of her territories at a time when much of Ireland fell under the English rule and is still considered today 'the pirate queen of Ireland.'

Medium: Feature Film
Writer: James Antonio Masefield
Director/Producer/Editor: James Antonio Masefield

Website: Coming Soon

Self Medicating short film

Self Medicating

The depiction of how a seemingly well adjusted man who administers his own brand of self medication to deal with the paradox of his present modern lifestyle and his religious past.

Medium: Short Film
Co-Creators: James Antonio Masefield and D.O.Ü.G.
Director/Producer/Editor: James Antonio Masefield
Main Actors: D.O.Ü.G. and Hélène Tardif

Mrs Bin Theatre Production

Mrs Bin

Mrs Bin is a modern fairy-tale where philosophy and the absurd meet to create a poetic story about loss, past and how people cannot forget. Mrs Bin became colour blind 30 years ago. It causes her to mix her bins and Constable Danny Shiver becomes tired of coming week after week to fine Mrs Bin. It is the beginning of a story that will escalate to a passionate murder, revelations from Mrs Bin’s past and philosophical speeches from the narrator.

Medium: Theatrical Play
Writer: Hélène Tardif
Director: TBA
Composer/Conductor: Nela Trifkovic
Producer: James Antonio Masefield